Clash of the Titans
: Navigation :

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: Rules :

- Website Rules
- Combat Rules

: Council :

- Council
- Danse
- Dane
- Devela

- Story Tellers
- Nayla
- Jayce

: Characters :

- Marvel
- DC
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: Database :
[ # ] [ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ]
[ E ] [ F ] [ G ] [ H ] [ I ]
[ J ] [ K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N ]
[ O ] [ P ] [ Q ] [ R ] [ S ]
[ T ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ] [ X ]
[ Y ] [ Z ]

: Creation :

- Creation
- Skills
- Callings
- Affects & Difficulties
- Hinderances
- Resources/Popularity
- Fear
- Careers
- Ultimate Talents
- Ultimate Powers
- Ultimate Powers (2)
- Vampires
- Morlocks

: Powers :

- A - D
- E - K
- L - P
- Q - Z
- Martial Arts
- Super Speed
- Terrigen Mist

: Items :

- Armour
- Equipment
- Inhibitors
- Vehicles
- Weapons

: Affiliates :

- AbD
- The Asylum

Justin Bright
Fighting Incredible
Agility Remarkable
Strength Amazing
Endurance Remarkable
Reason Excellent
Intuition Excellent
Psyche Excellent
Health 150
Karma 60
Resources Not Applicable
Popularity 25


  • Body Resistance: Incredible
  • Absorption-Radation: Unearthly Flight: Class 3000
  • Light Generation - All Forms: Unearthly
    • Light Burst: Monstrous
    • Lasers: Shift-X intensity

Compulsive behavior: "Talking", Intolerance of "Bad Elements" (Which seems to include everyone) and is endlessly opinionated.

  • He distrusts Technology.
  • Starshine is arrogant, intolerant and insufferable.
  • He disapproves of Capitalism.
  • He hates Racism and Social Injustice.
  • He's down on Drug and Alcohol Abuse.
  • He has opinions on everything and is always more than willing to voice them.
  • He disapproves of the very drug use that brings him into being.
  • He doesn't care for Meadows' other alter egos, except for Aquarius.
  • He will find ample reason to lecture anyone he encounters.

Artist:Poetry, Literature, Martial Arts B


Starshine, besides being able to control light, is incredibly strong. He can transform his mass into photons to travel at the speed of light. He can project rays of sunlight and has an energy field that protects him from kinetic and electric attack. Visible light weapons such as lasers only give him additional energy, though he has no protection against hard radiation.

Though he's an extremely potent ace, his instinct is to talk before acting. He's no coward. He just loves to hear himself talk (and talk, and talk). Any but the most hopelessly chivalrous foe should have at least one free crack at him while he pontificates.

Copyright 2006/7
Template Designed by Quickness. Modifications & Content added by Calix & Danse
All Rights Reserved.
: Timeline :

- 1990's
- 2000 Onwards

: X-Men :

- History
- The Grounds
- First Floor
- Second Floor & Attic - Basements
- Danger Room
- Hanger Complex
- Cerebro
- Security
- Muir Island

: Avengers :

- History
- Charter
- By-Laws

- Buildings

- Grounds and Main Floor
- Second Floor
- Third Floor
- Basements
- Compound
- Identicards
- Vehicles

: Fantastic 4 :

- Headquarters
- Four Freedom Plaza
- Vehicles

: Factions & Places :

- Factions
- Brotherhood
- Generation X
- The New Mutants
- S.H.I.E.L.D
- X-Factor
- X-Force
- X.S.E
- Hellfire
- Green Lantern Corps
- Alpha Flight
- Asgardians
- Captain America
- Defenders
- Eternals
- Excalibur
- Imperial Guard
- Knights Pendragon
- Mutant Liberation Front
- Reavers
- Savage Land Races
- Serpent Society
- Star Jammers
- Thunderbolts
- Winter Guard
- Young Avengers

- Places

- The Batcave
- Arkham Asylum
- The Daily Bugle
- Doc Strange's Sanctum
- The Vault
- Wundagore
- Genosha
- Castle Doom
- Madripoor