Clash of the Titans
: Navigation :

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: Rules :

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: Council :

- Council
- Danse
- Dane
- Devela

- Story Tellers
- Nayla
- Jayce

: Characters :

- Marvel
- DC
- Other Comics
- Self Created Genius
- The Banned
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: Database :
[ # ] [ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ]
[ E ] [ F ] [ G ] [ H ] [ I ]
[ J ] [ K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N ]
[ O ] [ P ] [ Q ] [ R ] [ S ]
[ T ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ] [ X ]
[ Y ] [ Z ]

: Creation :

- Creation
- Skills
- Callings
- Affects & Difficulties
- Hinderances
- Resources/Popularity
- Fear
- Careers
- Ultimate Talents
- Ultimate Powers
- Ultimate Powers (2)
- Vampires
- Morlocks

: Powers :

- A - D
- E - K
- L - P
- Q - Z
- Martial Arts
- Super Speed
- Terrigen Mist

: Items :

- Armour
- Equipment
- Inhibitors
- Vehicles
- Weapons

: Affiliates :

- AbD
- The Asylum

Jonothon Beauregard Quick
Jonothon Beauregard Quick
Jennifer Quantum
Fighting Excellent
Agility Remarkable
Strength Excellent
Endurance Excellent
Reason Good
Intuition Good
Psyche Excellent
Health 90
Karma 36
Resources Not Applicable
Popularity 0


  • Inventive Genius



Jonothon Beauregard Quick is a boy genius who lives in the fictional farming town of Queerwater Creek, Kansas. He spends the majority of his time inventing incredible things, most of which tend to backfire, despite his best efforts. The science of Jack's inventions is often based on incorrect reasoning or irrational beliefs that somehow work anyway; for example he ties buttered toast to the backs of cats and, because toast always falls butter-side-down and cats always land on their feet, the cats simply hover about the town.

Most of the minor characters are very understanding, unassuming and accommodating when it relates to Jack's experiments but a running joke through the comics is that Jack is oblivious to the fact that his tinkering "in God's domain" has made his parents quietly suicidal.

Jack was seen as a member of America's Best in the final story arc of Promethea. He attempted to stop the armageddon by building a "Doomsday Machine" and then putting it in reverse. He was treated with skepticism by other characters, especially Tom Strong, and with alarm by the United States Government who transported him in a steel crate with protocols similar to Hannibal Lecter.

Copyright 2006/7
Template Designed by Quickness. Modifications & Content added by Calix & Danse
All Rights Reserved.
: Timeline :

- 1990's
- 2000 Onwards

: X-Men :

- History
- The Grounds
- First Floor
- Second Floor & Attic - Basements
- Danger Room
- Hanger Complex
- Cerebro
- Security
- Muir Island

: Avengers :

- History
- Charter
- By-Laws

- Buildings

- Grounds and Main Floor
- Second Floor
- Third Floor
- Basements
- Compound
- Identicards
- Vehicles

: Fantastic 4 :

- Headquarters
- Four Freedom Plaza
- Vehicles

: Factions & Places :

- Factions
- Brotherhood
- Generation X
- The New Mutants
- S.H.I.E.L.D
- X-Factor
- X-Force
- X.S.E
- Hellfire
- Green Lantern Corps
- Alpha Flight
- Asgardians
- Captain America
- Defenders
- Eternals
- Excalibur
- Imperial Guard
- Knights Pendragon
- Mutant Liberation Front
- Reavers
- Savage Land Races
- Serpent Society
- Star Jammers
- Thunderbolts
- Winter Guard
- Young Avengers

- Places

- The Batcave
- Arkham Asylum
- The Daily Bugle
- Doc Strange's Sanctum
- The Vault
- Wundagore
- Genosha
- Castle Doom
- Madripoor