Clash of the Titans
: Navigation :

- Home
- Message Board

: Rules :

- Website Rules
- Combat Rules

: Council :

- Council
- Danse
- Dane
- Devela

- Story Tellers
- Nayla
- Jayce

: Characters :

- Marvel
- DC
- Other Comics
- Self Created Genius
- The Banned
- Restricted

: Database :
[ # ] [ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ]
[ E ] [ F ] [ G ] [ H ] [ I ]
[ J ] [ K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N ]
[ O ] [ P ] [ Q ] [ R ] [ S ]
[ T ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ] [ X ]
[ Y ] [ Z ]

: Creation :

- Creation
- Skills
- Callings
- Affects & Difficulties
- Hinderances
- Resources/Popularity
- Fear
- Careers
- Ultimate Talents
- Ultimate Powers
- Ultimate Powers (2)
- Vampires
- Morlocks

: Powers :

- A - D
- E - K
- L - P
- Q - Z
- Martial Arts
- Super Speed
- Terrigen Mist

: Items :

- Armour
- Equipment
- Inhibitors
- Vehicles
- Weapons

: Affiliates :

- AbD
- The Asylum

Brion Markov
Fighting Remarkable
Agility Excellent
Strength Remarkable
Endurance Amazing
Reason Excellent
Intuition Excellent
Psyche Remarkable
Health 130
Karma 70
Resources Incredible
Popularity 20 / 70 in Markovia


  • Gravity Control: Geoforce can increase or decrease the force of gravity with Monstrous ability. He can do this at range or surrounding his fists. This makes him appear stronger than he is
  • Earth Manipulation (Lava Blast): He is able to emit blasts of energy that do Amazing heat and force damage
  • Flight: he can fly by negating gravity and using his lava blast as propulsion with Incredible air speeds
  • Body Resistance: He has Remarkable protection from physical and energy attacks.

Leadership, Markovian History

Batman, Outsiders, Markovian Government, Justice League, Titans.

When the usurper Baron Bedlam invaded the country of Markovia, Prince Brion was endowed with super-powers by the science of Dr. Helga Jace in an attempt to repel Bedlam. Prince Brion was aided in his efforts by several other super-heroes who later joined forces as the Outsiders. After Bedlam's attempt usurpation was put down, Prince Brion moved to Gotham City to better learn how to use his abilities under the tutelage of The Batman. He has most recently been elected into the roster of the JLA after showing true courage and skill in the battle against Avatar's armada.

Due to personal differences between him and varied leading factions on the League, after Brion was sorely injured during the League's second confrontation with Avatar Brion was not invited back onto the team when it temporarily disbanded for restructuring. His sister Tara returned to Markovia to help nurse his wounds.

Copyright 2006/7
Template Designed by Quickness. Modifications & Content added by Calix & Danse
All Rights Reserved.
: Timeline :

- 1990's
- 2000 Onwards

: X-Men :

- History
- The Grounds
- First Floor
- Second Floor & Attic - Basements
- Danger Room
- Hanger Complex
- Cerebro
- Security
- Muir Island

: Avengers :

- History
- Charter
- By-Laws

- Buildings

- Grounds and Main Floor
- Second Floor
- Third Floor
- Basements
- Compound
- Identicards
- Vehicles

: Fantastic 4 :

- Headquarters
- Four Freedom Plaza
- Vehicles

: Factions & Places :

- Factions
- Brotherhood
- Generation X
- The New Mutants
- S.H.I.E.L.D
- X-Factor
- X-Force
- X.S.E
- Hellfire
- Green Lantern Corps
- Alpha Flight
- Asgardians
- Captain America
- Defenders
- Eternals
- Excalibur
- Imperial Guard
- Knights Pendragon
- Mutant Liberation Front
- Reavers
- Savage Land Races
- Serpent Society
- Star Jammers
- Thunderbolts
- Winter Guard
- Young Avengers

- Places

- The Batcave
- Arkham Asylum
- The Daily Bugle
- Doc Strange's Sanctum
- The Vault
- Wundagore
- Genosha
- Castle Doom
- Madripoor