Clash of the Titans
: Navigation :

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: Rules :

- Website Rules
- Combat Rules

: Council :

- Council
- Danse
- Dane
- Devela

- Story Tellers
- Nayla
- Jayce

: Characters :

- Marvel
- DC
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: Database :
[ # ] [ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ]
[ E ] [ F ] [ G ] [ H ] [ I ]
[ J ] [ K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N ]
[ O ] [ P ] [ Q ] [ R ] [ S ]
[ T ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ] [ X ]
[ Y ] [ Z ]

: Creation :

- Creation
- Skills
- Callings
- Affects & Difficulties
- Hinderances
- Resources/Popularity
- Fear
- Careers
- Ultimate Talents
- Ultimate Powers
- Ultimate Powers (2)
- Vampires
- Morlocks

: Powers :

- A - D
- E - K
- L - P
- Q - Z
- Martial Arts
- Super Speed
- Terrigen Mist

: Items :

- Armour
- Equipment
- Inhibitors
- Vehicles
- Weapons

: Affiliates :

- AbD
- The Asylum

Blizzard II
Blizzard II
Donny Gill
Fighting Good
Agility Good
Strength Good
Endurance Excellent
Reason Typical
Intuition Good
Psyche Typical
Health 50
Karma 22
Resources Typical
Popularity 0



  • Battlesuit:
    • Armor: Good protection vs physical and Amazing protection vs Cold.
    • Backpack: The blizzard armor is powered by a backpack that can sustain Remarkable damage before becoming inoperative
    • Ice Generation: The Blizzard battlesuit allows him to:
      • Create Remarkable ice missiles,
      • Erect Ice walls of Remarkable strength.
      • He can also create sleet, snow and freezing rain with Remarkable ability



Donny Gill, an underling of the businessman Justin Hammer, was given a battlesuit reminiscent of the original villain, and Hammer's agent, known as the Blizzard. Gill mastered the use of the battlesuit and began his first assignment: to recapture the supervillain known as Force, and agent of Hammer who had deserted him. Gill and his allies, the Beetle (now, MACH-3) and Blacklash (now, Whiplash) were defeated and captured by the hero, Iron Man.

Avoiding prison with the help of Hammer, Gill has often worked for Hammer at other times, as well as embarking on other criminal activities on his own, although he has been repeatedly defeated by heroes such as Iron Man. More recently, Gill had joined the new Crimson Cowl in her latest incarnation of the villain team, the Masters of Evil.

Copyright 2006/7
Template Designed by Quickness. Modifications & Content added by Calix & Danse
All Rights Reserved.
: Timeline :

- 1990's
- 2000 Onwards

: X-Men :

- History
- The Grounds
- First Floor
- Second Floor & Attic - Basements
- Danger Room
- Hanger Complex
- Cerebro
- Security
- Muir Island

: Avengers :

- History
- Charter
- By-Laws

- Buildings

- Grounds and Main Floor
- Second Floor
- Third Floor
- Basements
- Compound
- Identicards
- Vehicles

: Fantastic 4 :

- Headquarters
- Four Freedom Plaza
- Vehicles

: Factions & Places :

- Factions
- Brotherhood
- Generation X
- The New Mutants
- S.H.I.E.L.D
- X-Factor
- X-Force
- X.S.E
- Hellfire
- Green Lantern Corps
- Alpha Flight
- Asgardians
- Captain America
- Defenders
- Eternals
- Excalibur
- Imperial Guard
- Knights Pendragon
- Mutant Liberation Front
- Reavers
- Savage Land Races
- Serpent Society
- Star Jammers
- Thunderbolts
- Winter Guard
- Young Avengers

- Places

- The Batcave
- Arkham Asylum
- The Daily Bugle
- Doc Strange's Sanctum
- The Vault
- Wundagore
- Genosha
- Castle Doom
- Madripoor