...I could see, high on the map, Ax Glacier, Torvaldsland, and Hunjer
and Skjern, and Helmutsport, and, lower, Kassau and the great green
forests, and the river Laurius, and Laura and Lydius, and, lower, the
islands, prominent among them Cos and Tyros; I saw the delta of the
Vosk, and Port Kar, and, inland, Ko-ro-ba, the Towers of the Morning,
and Thentis, in the mountains of Thentis, famed for her tarn flocks;
and, to the south, among many other cities, Tharna, of the vast silver
mines; I saw the Voltai Range, and Glorious Ar, and the Cartius, and,
far to the south, Turia, and near the shore of Thassa, the islands of
Anango and Ianda, and on the coast, the free ports of Schendi and Bazi.
There were, on this map, hundreds of cities, and promontories and peninsulas,
and rivers and inland lakes and seas.
--Tribesmen of Gor, 1:7
I shrugged. Much of Gor was terra incognita. Few knew well the lands
on the east of the Voltai and Thentis ranges, for example, or what lay
west of the farther islands, near Cos and Tyros. It was more irritating,
of course, to realize that even considerable areas of territory above
Schendi, south of the Vosk, and west of Ar, were unknown.
---Explorers of Gor, 1:16
The forests of the northern temperate latitudes of Gor are countries
in themselves, covering hundreds of thousands of square pasangs of area....
...It is not known how far these forests extend. It is not impossible
that they belt the land surfaces of the planet. They begin near the
shores of Thassa, the Sea, in the west. How far they extend to the east
is not known. They do extend beyond the most northern ridges of the
Thentis Mountains.
---Captive of Gor, 9:129
BARRENS -- Vast tracks of rolling grasslands lying east of the Thentis
mountains and home to tribes of Red Savages.
At the edge of the Thentis mountains, in the driest areas, the grass
is short. As one moves in an easterly direction it becomes taller, ranging
generally from ten to eighteen inches in height; as one moves even further
east it can attain a height of several feet, reaching as high as the
knees of a man riding a kaiila. On foot, it is easier to become lost
in such grass than in the northern forests. No white man, incidentally,
at least as far as I know, has ever penetrated to the eastern edge of
the Barrens. Certainly, as far as I know, none has ever returned from
that area. Their extent, accordingly, is not known.
---Savages of Gor, 2:65
MOUNTAINS OF THENTIS-- Mountain range which lies on the northeast border
of explored Gor, said to be north of the Voltai and beyond which lays
the Barren lands inhabited by the tribes of Red Savages. Home to the city
which bears its name, the Mountains of Thentis are famed for their flocks
of wild tarns, and the production of black wine, the beans of which are
grown on its slopes.
thanks to the resources Central
Fire & World of Gor
Rules, Read them, know them
and keep to them.
1. There are no wandering uncollared slaves on Gor for long. Enter and you will find a permanent home here. However, if you wish to observe, We will honour an ~o~ tag for one visit... further visits to observe will be by permission only. Observers are not expected to interact, but may ask questions. No ~o~ tag & you will be fair game for a collar.
2. Free Women travel with escorts, You do not need a veil. But You are expected to behave in the fashion of a Woman afforded the luxury of being Free. If you cannot obey You will learn …… In a Thentis collar.
3. Men are expected to behave as Men. A bold statement, but this is Gor. If You do, be prepared to back up Your actions, not make excuses.
4. Thentis slaves are all fully useable unless wearing a band of restriction. This band is brightly visible around the slaves wrist. Slaves on Gor were only restricted upon the wish of their Owner. Yet if You harm or damage property…. Be prepared for the consequences (& that includes psychologically too).
5. All slaves collared here, in any circumstances, are to be collared to {CoT} and all {CoT} slaves
effectively belong to the Ubar. No exceptions. slaves in this
collar may be obtained from the Ubar... but His decision is final... if He says no, there will be a reason, and it should be respected.
6. All personally owned and city slaves of Thentis will be trained and tested by the appointed Thentis testers & trainers. There will be no exceptions to this rule. This will not affect ownership & the owners wishes will be respected as far as is possible.
7. Raids will not be accepted at this time. This is because it is a new home which need to be built up first.
8. Any marked Assassin or Bounty Hunter MUST get the Ubar's permission to enter the City or the role-play will be deemed invalid; unmarked they are welcome.
9. All captured persons may only attempt an escape when there are two or more Free of the home present.
10. Messengers should wear their Gorean name together with the sash. They are fully protected for the purpose of delivering their message, but should leave immediately afterwards. Any that linger will be considered begging a collar.
11. That said, the last thing You should have to know. Is the most important. The Ubar rules. All judgments and decisions made by Him are final.
12. No Black Type allowed, all typing MUST be clearly visible or any roleplay WILL be invalidated.
13. Guests force collaring will not be accepted if not approved by the Ubar Himself in Our home. Respect Our home!! Doing otherwise will place Your own neck at risk.
14. No raids or collaring unless two Free Men of Our home are present and the raid or collaring is met with approval first, conforms to rule 5, and meets with the guidelines of gor and the site.
15. The Ubar's word is law, and final...if You have a dispute take it to Him.
16. No personally owned slaves, or any other slave, or any FW can be abducted or taken from the home without the Ubar's prior approval. Upon doing so without the Ubar's approval You will be automatically caged & enslaved by the City's NPC Guards.
17. If You do not have a homestone or a home do not even suggest capturing, killing or taking a slave here. If You have no home then no capture or killing, sorry. You must have a home to do so. Only a idiot would take on a whole City without backing. Only exception to this is a Member of the Black Caste, to make a mark, with the Ubar's permission.
18. This is a mirror site, so if Y/you can't do something in Y/your own home, Y/you can't do it here.
19. If a slave is caged &/or gagged or restrained in any other way whereby they are unable to eat or drink the Free that does it MUST look after them, by seeing them at least every other day. no excuses, not even RT ones, or the slave will become the property of the City of Thentis & re-collared. If You know You won't be around due to rt then another alternative punishment should be given.