Sanktejo Realms contains materials that are unsuitable for viewing by minors. If you are under the age of 18 or if it is illegal to view adult and or pornographic material in your community, please find an alternative place to chat as we are unable to support a universal zone for all age groups.
Sanktejo Realms is not intended for the viewing of minors and we strongly support the use of parental controls which are freely available on the web.
By entering Sanktejo Realms you are claiming to be at least 18 years of age, that you understand and accept the responsibility of your own actions while choosing to receive and interact within this medium.
Thus releasing the webmaster and our providers from all liability.
No, I'm not old enough and/or it is illegal for my
community to view adult materials
Okay I'm old enough/can legally enter and want in!
Sanktejo Realms is not intended for the viewing of minors and we strongly support the use of parental controls on the internet